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The SaleMove Magic

Real-Time Movement

Faster and more instant than Google’s real-time analytics, SaleMove enables you to see visitors the second they enter your website- just as if they walked into your dealership. Don’t just see what link your visitors are looking at, observe them browsing (it's like sitting right next to them)!

Audio / Video Chat

You have your showroom & the phone to speak with your customers- now add a third line of high-touch communication. Connect with your customers using Audio & Video right on your website (no downloads or installation required). There is always the option for website chat but A/V is proven to be 10X more effective!

Shared Browsing

Have you ever found yourself describing your website to a customer on the phone (“you see that link in the top left near the About Us there”)? Imagine that each of you had your own cursor and you could simply browse the website together- wouldn't that be easier? Don’t just push your visitor a link, customize a car or browse your inventory together (patents pending).

Statistics & Reporting

Monitor individual and collective performance. Listen to call recordings, view chat transcripts and understand your website’s real-time activity. Make adjustments to your staffing & sales strategy using all of SaleMove’s robust reporting capabilities.

In-Browser Experience

Instead of opening a separate window (think of today’s live chat providers) that drives attention away from your virtual showroom, SaleMove is always completely in-browser and a part of your customers’ shopping experiences.

One Line Activation

Activate SaleMove with one line of code (easier than Google Analytics). We also integrate with several top dealership website providers & CRMs so getting you up and running is super fast!

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November 18th GNYADA Workshop "The Sales Process Redefined", Selling To Millennials 

This seminar will finally answer the question:

How do I sell cars to Millennials? Learn the motivations, opinions and behaviors of this unique new generation of car shoppers. As their purchasing power increases and they continue to drive consumer demand, it’s necessary to reevaluate your sales process and redefine strategies to engage them.

The Sales Process – REDEFINED will teach attendees: Who are Millennials? What do Millennials think about cars and driving? What motivates a Millennial to buy a car? Ways to enhance the Millennial buying experience. How to redefine your sales process to entice Millennials to buy a car from you?

About the Instructor: Sean V. Bradley, Dealer Synergy. Sean V. Bradley is the top automotive trainer and consultant in the country and is currently one of the most sought after subject matter experts for Internet Sales, Business Development and Digital Marketing. Beginning as a sales consultant, Sean learned the business from the ground up holding positions at dealerships as Sales Manager, Internet Sales Manager, Special Finance Manager and Business Development Director.

GNYADA Seminars, held in person, are developed by qualified dealership experts to meet the highest possible standards and deliver the latest information and solutions for your most pressing business needs. Our programs train new and seasoned dealership professionals to improve operations and profitability results within each department. Reserve your seat today. Call the GNYADA Education and Training team directly at 718.640.2012, fax your registration form to 718.407.6970, or register here

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In today's Womens Wednesday, we focus on selling to women. Let's get real: Research indicates that women rely on reviews 50% more than men. They account for 52% of the vehicles purchased in the US and influence over 80% of the total purchases! So developing a marketing strategy to target this substantial buying segment is critical. Wouldn’t becoming a Certified Women-Drivers Dealer be a great first step?

7-Ways to Leverage and Merchandise your Certification to Increase Sales and CSI
Leverage your Women-Drivers Certification by distinguishing your dealership from others in your city! Advertising the Certification like this shows women that you are serious about their business and treat them exceptionally. Over one-third of women buyers feel that the dealership website that they visited was not helpful. So that is an excellent place to start!

1. Integrate the Women-Drivers Car-Buying and Service Guide into your website. The WCBSG is a micro-site within your site that contains an abundance of content and tips for women on many areas of shopping and servicing vehicles and is a clear indication that you appreciate their business. CLICK HERE for more information. Make sure you include the WCBSG in your navigation and main site rotator.

2. Incorporate the Women-Drivers logo into your website. Include it in main navigation items such as About Us, New Cars, Used Cars and Service and Parts. Provide a link to your reviews.

3. Be a ZMOT practitioner. Incorporate W-D Reviews on your VDP’s to take advantage of that Zero Moment of Truth when the shopper is trying to determine if you have the Right vehicle and if you’re the Right dealership for her!

4. Improve your Women-Drivers conversion ratio by including your Certified Logo and status in every lead response to female shoppers. Let them know that you are the only, or one of few, W-D certified dealers in your town and provide them a link to your reviews.

5. Make your reviews more engaging. With our mobile platform and photo upload system, you can get a positive review AND take a picture of your happy customer with their new vehicle, right at time of delivery. This will make your reviews much more engaging and more likely to be shared by your women buyers. Remember all Women-Drivers positive reviews are automatically pushed to Facebook.

6. Targeting your Digital Advertising. One of the best ways to reach women these days is on Pandora radio. Its unique format and technology allows you to target JUST women. One of the neat aspects of Pandora radio is your radio ads come with “companion” digital display ads. So you could create a digital ad specifically targeting women and link the ad to the WCBSG on your website. Pretty cool!

7. Traditional Advertising still strong among women. As you know, there are certain TV and Cable shows geared specifically towards women. Your rep can show you the research and put together a buy to target women. Using your W-D Certified Logo, produce a commercial specifically designed to reach women and leverage your certification and desire to make their shopping experience both pleasant and productive.

Want to Sell More Cars and Distinguish your Dealership to Women?
Click here

Did you receive a Free copy of the 2014 Women’s Car Buying Report? Click here

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About Your Website

Whenever you think about generating new leads on your website, you automatically assume that your wallet is about to take a big hit. What if we told you that the real secret to generating leads isn't HOW MUCH you spend, but WHERE you spend it?

On this episode of Think Tank Tuesday, I teach you how to generate quality leads using only the pennies in your piggy bank.

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Learn More About Websites for Your Dealership on This Edition of Make Money Mondays with Sean V. Bradley CSP. In this edition of Make Money Mondays, CEO of Dealer Synergy Sean V. Bradley discusses websites for your car dealership. Sean explains that your dealership MUST be optimized for use on mobile devices like tablets and cell phones - your website must be adaptive or responsive. Your website also needs to be optimized for speed and functionality using the Google Speed Test. Finally, to truly maximize your online efforts, you should have a custom website optimized for your local market, in addition to any websites supplied by your OEM. Keep the knowledge going, when you're done here check out his awesome training platform

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Is This What You're Looking For?

Give Your Shoppers A Reminder

Have you lost shoppers on your website? Sometimes they need a reminder of what they were doing on your website in the first place. A current remarketing tactic will allow you to do just that.

On this week's Hard Facts, Samantha discusses how you can implement this tactic for your business.

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Mobile Search Rank Study Shows It's Good to Be #1

If you've spent any time on the marketing side of your dealership, you know how valuable organic search traffic is. But in order to receive a large amount of search traffic, you need to rank for a variety of different keywords, which means having a properly-optimized website, high-quality content, and inbound links from authoritative sites.

Now, on the desktop side, there have been plenty of studies that prove that the #1 organic result on Google receives the brunt of the clicks. As Google users become more familiar with searching for information online, and Google updates its algorithm to provide better overall results, though, the number of people who click on the first result has gone down significantly.

(This is also a sign that your metadata--which is the information displayed about your page on Google and other search engines--needs to be optimized so users can understand what your content is about, which will increase clickthroughs to your dealership's website.)

Mobile Users Click the First Result More Than Desktop Users

On the mobile side, however, we're seeing the #1 position as a more important positon than on desktop. According to a study by seoClarity, 27.7% of mobile search users click on the first result, as opposed to 19.3% on the desktop side.

To make matters better (or worse depending on your dealership's rankings), CTR rates for the #2 position drop all the way down to 9.2% on mobile. The reason this is so important is because the #2 position on desktop search results gets an average of 11.4%.

For dealerships ranking on page one from position 6-10 of mobile results, though, there is little change compared to desktop results. In fact, this study shows that you should see more clicks at the bottom of the page of mobile results than desktop results.

What Do I Take Away from This New Information?

The biggest takeaway from the mobile search CTR study is that it's still really important to claim the #1 result through proper SEO. You want a diverse range of content on your site to rank for a variety of different keywords and longtail search queries. The better quality content you have, combined with great optimization, the more your site will move up the ranks and the more organic traffic and leads you'll receive.

Have a question about SEO and/or Google search rankings? Ask in the comments below and I'll provide as much insight as I can to help you grow your dealership's organic traffic!

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Social Media Engagement is a Two-Way Street

The most amazing part about the internet and social media is that it has opened up communication between people and businesses that was never possible before. We now have the ability to talk to our customers and for them to talk to us in an interactive fashion, allowing for clear lines of engagement that can be both public and private.

For car dealers, this has translated into an incredible way for them to broadcast their messages and get feedback in real time. On Facebook, people can like, comment on, or share their posts when they appreciate them... and even when they do not. The world is completely different than it was a decade ago when the most powerful method of online communication, the email, was still relegated to being private.

This all means that dealers can receive interaction, but it also means that they're required to deliver interaction right back at their customers. Every day, we see dealers who are not taking advantage of this. People will comment on their Facebook posts, talk about them on Twitter, or respond to their blog posts and YouTube videos, but we then see many of the interactions going one way. The people are talking to the dealers but the dealers aren't always replying.

This is a big mistake because proper two-way communication breeds more communication. When people see your posts and also see that you're replying to the people that are commenting, it makes it more likely that they'll want to comment even more.

It also creates a proper feedback mechanism. A lot of dealers are doing this best practice on review sites, but then the same dealers are failing to engage on social media. When you allow social media to be a way for people to engage in a proper discussion on automotive topics, you're allowing them to help you get more reach for your messages.

The more you comment back, the more new comments you'll get. The more new comments you get, the more people will see the posts that are getting the comments. It's a great way to increase your message exposure.

Perhaps the most important reason to reply to everyone who comments on your posts is that it's simply proper manners. If someone says "hi" to you in the grocery store, you'll usually say "hi" right back at them even if you don't know them. It's good form to reply to those who talk to you and that carries over to your social media interactions.

Dealers that are doing this well can take it to the next level. They can get involved with other conversations of a general interest to the local community and start to really express the dealership's personality. This is key on social media. After all, part of being "social" is interacting with as many people as possible.

The streets in the social media world run in both directions. Savvy dealers are making sure that they're not just seeking engagement from others but that they're being engaging as well.

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A lot can be said about the power of gratitude and humility. In the automotive industry, we are thankful for our customers and often humbled by the attention they give to us during this important aspect of their lives. It's not like they're buying a car every day, right?

In this video from Jim Ziegler's Internet Battle Plan in Seattle, I discuss the importance of having the right type of focus when operating your social media for the dealership.

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I'm a big fan of putting the power of targeting in the hands of the dealer. We're not one of those who believe that we know best about our clients' market, demographics, and customers and we try to put our expertise in social and search to play with their understanding of the area and their business to guide us to success.

The improved sourcing, data collection, and extraction of information about the markets gives us and dealers the ability to dive much deeper than ever before into understanding where and how to market.

We know the tactics. You know your area. Now, let's allow the data to enter the mix and we should have a winning combination.

We're starting to get pretty enamored with companies like String Automotive. After sitting on a few customer calls during their market analysis meetings, we've learned so much about how to spend the money and where to focus it. It has opened my eyes to this "third wheel" in a way that I never imagined. Perhaps there is more to data than just what we know mixed with what our clients' know.

Keep in mind, we are not a reseller for String Automotive and I don't want this to turn into a love fest, but I do want to highlight the importance of going much further into the numbers than I've ever imagined. That's the beauty of analytics mixed with DMS data mixed with everything else at our disposal (Polk, Experian, DMV - the data sources go on and on).

Regardless of whether you use us, String, or any vendor out there, I strongly encourage you to start going further with the numbers. For example, by cross-referencing your advertising spend by zip code with your own buyer data and comparing that to DMV data, you can see where the opportunities lie. Let's say you sold 5 Altimas last month in a zip code. This might sound great for some dealers, but what if there were 13 total sold last month based upon DMV data and you're the closest dealership to the zip code. Wouldn't that be disappointing? Shouldn't you either adjust your marketing message, your advertising styles, or your budget to try to make up the difference and start dominating in that area?

The data is cleaner than it's ever been, but the methods of analyzing the data have remained stagnant. It's companies like String that have opened our eyes to the possibility that we can make smarter decisions by letting the numbers guide us.

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Hurry, this won't last...

If you're reading this email, it's probably because you thought there was something expiring soon, or that there was a limited supply of whatever we're selling. That strategy is one of two tactics that you should be using on your website to increase your sales. 

Learn what the two tactics are, and how to incorporate them into your strategy in this Think Tank Tuesday.

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There are many mistakes companies and marketers alike make when breaking into digital marketing. Whether we’re talking about automotive SEO, PPC, or social media, you have to understand the fundamentals of each type of marketing strategy before you can truly create successful campaigns.

If your business is looking to invest time and money into a new digital marketing strategy, in order to succeed, you need to avoid these five basic mistakes:

Thinking in Terms of Pure Traffic and Volume of Rankings


When you’re just starting out in digital marketing, building traffic can be addictive. But like any addiction, it’s unhealthy.

Your goal should be to grow traffic, but do you know where the traffic is coming from and who your audience is? We’ve talked about targeting by location and interest many times before on the Wikimotive blog, but it really is one of the most important things to consider.

And the same is true of content, whether it be on-site, or on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Creating content is not about volume anymore. Customers expect a higher quality from businesses, and throwing content at them hoping something sticks is the worst approach you can take.

Instead, focus on creating content you’d want to click on or share if you were a potential customer. That doesn’t mean post irrelevant content, it means get your customers excited about your products.

Trying to Appeal to Everyone on Social Media


Unless you’re a national or international brand, you can’t appeal to everyone. And even if you are, you still have an audience with specific interests.

Take the time to test the waters and keep track of what does and doesn’t work. If you’re a car dealer, reach out to your local community while reinforcing your inventory by posting content that inadvertently helps sell more cars. You don’t have to always focus on an actual piece of inventory or the idea of “SELL, SELL, SELL” in order to generate real leads.

With the tools Facebook and other social media sites are developing for businesses, it’s becoming easier and easier for local and small businesses to target the people who are in the market for a car or have an interest that matches up with your current customer base.

Not Investing Enough or Going the Cheap Route


More money is not always the answer to digital marketing problems, but when a service’s cost seems unnaturally low for the work required, you can guess the results.

In order to succeed with SEO, PPC, or social media, you have to invest. SEO requires custom attention and strategies, PPC requires a multitude of campaigns, and social media is vastly becoming pay to play.

The harsh reality is that your business has to spend money to make money. You understand how that works with traditional marketing, and the same principles apply to digital marketing.

Failing to Understand Statistics and ROI


Many digital marketing professionals will show businesses results without delving deep into the statistics behind those results. For instance, you can be at the top of page 1 for 1000 different searches on Google and never see a single lead or sale as a result.

Why is that? 

Because no one is actually searching for the terms your dealership's automotive SEO company is working on. That’s why it seems so easy for them to achieve, and why you’re not seeing more sales.

Take the time to access and assess your website’s analytics and line those up with incoming leads and sales. The ROI is often hard to pin down, and won’t happen overnight, but you know there is a point where something has got to give.

Not Being Patient Enough with New Strategies


Like I said, ROI doesn’t happen overnight. Patience with your digital marketing company or new internal marketing strategies is crucial to seeing real results.

SEO and social media can be particularly slow at the start of a new campaign. It takes time to build search engine authority and to grow an audience worth marketing to on several different social media sites.

If you want to separate yourself from the competition, however, SEO and social media are the keys to digital marketing success.

Originally featured on Wikimotive's blog under the title "5 Mistakes to Avoid When You’re New to Digital Marketing."

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