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Are You Fully Prepared?

Mobile Is Dominating

Get ready, Google is making it even more obvious to see if a site is mobile friendly or not. With everyone relying so heavily on their phones today, it is an absolute necessity to have a mobile platform if you want to compete.

This week on Hard Facts, learn the specific criteria Google looks for to give your site that "mobile-friendly" label.

If your website isn't already mobile friendly, contact us today to learn more about our mobile platforms.

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Joe Cala Speaking at the NADA Convention

Joe Cala, General manager of Dealer Synergy will be speaking at the NADA convention, This January, 2015. Joe will be speaking about the importance of focusing getting better before getting bigger. If you focus on getting better, your customers will demand that you get bigger! After watching Joe Cala, you will walk away knowing that better is not a final destination, but that it is a continuous journey full of stop's and go's. You will also walk away knowing that in order to get better you must evaluate, educate, and elevate your results. Joe Cala is going to teach you how to be better, so you can do better, and achieve better. You will leave this event with a solid action plan that you'll be able to implement immediately. Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity. Sean V. Bradley, CEO of Dealer Synergy will also be speaking at the ATD convention this January 2015!

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What will you take away? 1. How to change the way you think about hearing “No” from a customer. 2. How to identify why someone is objecting or saying “no”. 3. How to build up and strengthen your rebuttal muscles. As much as I’d like to have every customer say, “Yes” every time I ask for the sale, it’s crucial to my development and growth to hear, “NO”!
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By the end of this Webinar we will answer these questions and provide a strategy to implement in the handling of our customers. 1. What do customers want? 2. What do customers see when they look at our websites, inventory, appearance, showrooms, etc.? 3. How do customers want to be treated? 4. Does it really matter what the customer sees, feels and thinks?
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Don't Mix Business With Personal

A Little Known Fact About Facebook

Having trouble managing both your personal and business updates on Facebook? Thinking about creating a separate personal Facebook page solely for business purposes? You don't have to. There's a very simple tool you can use to ensure you send the proper content to the right audience.

On this episode of Think Tank Tuesday, learn how it's possible to have just one account without spamming your friends and family with your business posts.

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It's The Final Countdown!

Get Rid Of Seasonal Inventory

With the end of the year approaching fast, are you worried about how you're going to start pushing your seasonal inventory, parts and accessories? Don't worry! There is a new opportunity that will allow you to create a sense of scarcity and urgency across all your platforms, resulting in increased conversions and sales.

Don't settle for leftover inventory, implementing this new tool into your marketing strategy will help ensure your seasonal leftovers are a thing of the past.

This week on Hard Facts, learn about this new advertising tool and how you can implement this strategy into your marketing efforts.

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Maybe You Should Change Gears

Stop Being Reactive And Start Being Proactive

Have you ever caught yourself thinking "50% of my advertising is waste?" If you feel you're not getting the most out of your advertising budget, it may be time to start implementing some changes. We're not talking about taking the easy way out by cutting your budget, but the steps you can take that will produce more substantial results.

On this episode of Think Tank Tuesday, learn how you can start saving money by developing effective plans and strategies.

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By now, most dealers know they need some type of SEO strategy to stay competitive online. But what exactly goes into that?


Website Optimization? Yes.


Linkbuilding? You betcha.


Content? Without a doubt!


While you've heard of these terms and how important they are, do you really know the details of what really makes them work for your dealership? If not, how are you going to hold your SEO or full-service digital marketing company accountable?


Here are the SEO strategy twists most digital marketing vendors don't want you to know.


Fresh, Quality, Purposeful Content is an Absolute Necessity


Your website provider or digital marketing company may say they're creating content for your dealership's website, but was that a one-time deal or are they staying consistent? If not, you can kiss any hope of ROI down the toilet.


The four most important things Google looks for in content are purpose, quality, freshness, and consistency.


  • Purpose: What problem does this content solve? Is the information beneficial to your site's users? If you can't answer either, you're dealing with content without a purpose. Consider that the web's "Rebel Without a Cause."
  • Quality: More than just good writing, quality content is about organization, depth, and overall presentation. This includes proper fact-checking, readability, and relevant imagery.
  • Freshness: Google loves to know that your website is keeping up with the times. By publishing content about recent industry news and other developments, you're establishing yourself as a valuable source of information.
  • Consistency: Quantity is not as important as it once was for content, but consistency still matters greatly. Going hand-in-hand with freshness, consistent content creation (accompanied by purpose and quality) is what helps drives more and more organic traffic to dealership websites.


Great content strategies also establishes purpose with already-purposeful and quality content. Tying together existing content on your dealership's site, relationships between different pages are built, allowing your dealership to gather more authority from search engines for the keywords car buyers in your area use to find dealerships.


Successful Linkbuilding Strategies Now Mimic Content Strategies


Like content, linkbuilding used to be all about quantity. The more links, the better. Forget source, context, or anything about the end user's experience, we just want to rank #1.


Of course, SEO has evolved to favor quality over quantity, as Google and other search engines made adjustments to encourage sites to consider user experience in their digital marketing efforts.


An effective linkbuilding strategy now focuses on targeting relevant sites with relevant content, and building links consistently over time instead of all at once. This means car dealers need to seek out authoritative sites related to the automotive industry, not random directories that accept any and every link.


Search engines understand the context of links and if you can earn relevant links on quality, trusted sites in your industry, they'll pass more authority to your site in return.



Website Optimization is More Than Just Design and Content Adjustments


Google wants to send its users to fast websites. If your dealership's site isn't fast enough for users, they'll click the back button and click through to one of your competitors.


Not only will that help them, as they gain another visit, it will eventually hurt your overall rankings. The more users click back to search results from your dealership's site, the more Google will associate your site with low-quality results. Soon enough, you'll be pushed out in favor of sites that are deemed more worthy of top ranks.


Hold your website vendor accountable in this situation by requesting an audit of your site's speed compared to your major competitors. And while you're at it, do one yourself using tools like Pingdom's Website Speed Test and Google's PageSpeed Insights.


They're likely not going to tell you that their competitors are building faster websites, and they're certainly not likely to spend the time and resources necessary to fix your site's issues, so for a non-biased audit of your website, and recommendations on the most innovation automotive website providers, contact Wikimotive. We're not a website provider, so we have no dog in the fight!

Written by Mark Frost, Director of Content at Wikimotive

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Shoppers ready to spend money, combined with manufacturers launching massive incentives and ad campaigns, make the holiday season ripe for increased website traffic. These factors also make a quality live chat service a must to capitalize on all this extra dealership website traffic. More than any other time of the year, buyers are in a rush to find the information they want and need on the products that pique their interest. Live chat gives you a way to help get these busy shoppers on the road to a purchase from your store.

Here are a few reasons why live chat is so critical this time of the year

  • Customers are ready to spend money
  • Historically, chat traffic increases this time of year
  • Massive OEM ad buys
  • Strong year-end incentives
  • Shoppers are in a bigger hurry than ever

If you are looking for a way to help your store make the most of the increased traffic associated with these factors, then you definitely want to add a quality managed chat or chat software as soon as possible. The market is more competitive than ever, and finding ways to maximize a dealership brand online starts with a website and chat combination that helps generate more leads and sell more cars.


Tom LaPointe CarChat24 CHAT EXPERT 24/7 Interactive Automotive Dealer Website LIVE CHAT Solutions Hosted or In-House Options – FREE web chat software 727-638-0195

Tom has an MBA in Marketing and is an automotive writer and author with more than 15 years experience in virtually every aspect of the retail auto industry. He began working with the internet building websites at Johns Hopkins University in the 90's, and has been a performance leader in nearly every dealer role, from sales and service, to web development and viral marketing.

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Struggling With Commitment Issues?

Are You Struggling With Commitment Issues?

Seems like these days everyone is afraid of commitment. If you're losing Internet leads, chances are your customers are to blame. They want the details on the sale while still having the ability to stay anonymous. They aren't ready to press submit.

On this episode of Think Tank Tuesday, learn how to sway those customers with commitment issues.

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The Walking Lead

      Do you see them? Although only a handful show up at our dealership they are surrounding us almost everywhere we go. Maybe they are dead to you.  Maybe you are afraid of them. We stay silent because we have learned that the walkers can’t harm us if they can’t hear us.  It is only when we make noise that the walkers can eat us alive with rejection.  Typically, one bite is not fatal but if we sustain several bites especially from multiple walkers our chances of survival are tremendously diminished. The fear that walkers bring is so paralyzing that we lose the ability to use the very weapons that have proven to be so powerful such as a smile, or maybe a nice “hello”.  The truth is that the fate of our profession rests in the hands of a few.

      For a few, and I am talking about the elite in sales, they see everyone as a walking lead.  They also understand that eventually every one of them will show up at a dealership somewhere.  Although the sales pro is not immune to the bites of the walkers they have built up antibodies from the sales of previous walkers.  The sales pro will purposely make noise to get the walkers attention leading them to the dealership by initiating conversations that develop into things like curiosity, trust and relationships. For these few that see the walkers as very much ALIVE, they are hoping that you will continue to live in fear of the walkers. Ssshhhh!  Here comes another one.


By Dave Cribbs

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Do You Meet The Standards?

Why Google Says You Need To Go Mobile

If you aren't mobile friendly, you may want to think about getting a mobile platform. Google ran A/B testing last month that will impact your mobile traffic.

This week on Hard Facts, learn about this new tool that could deter potential customers from clicking on your links if they're searching from their cell phones.

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What are you even doing right now?

Black Friday Is Almost Here

Time is running out, and you don't want to miss out on one of the biggest selling opportunities of the year. Black Friday isn't just a retail holiday, dealerships can cash in on the flocks of people who are looking for a bargain during the holidays.

On this episode of Think Tank Tuesday, learn how to jump start your Black Friday promotions.

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Re: Your Internet Purchase Request Response (Video Email EXAMPLE)

Here is a quick example of a Video Email Response to an Internet Prospect. Think about how different this type of an email will be to the prospect compared to the bombardment of static emails from other dealers… 

Differentiate yourself! 

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CEO of Dealer Synergy, Sean V. Bradley, shows you how your actions lead to rewards or consequences. The number of ups you take has a direct impact on the number of cars you sell. If you up 80 people, you'll sell 20 cars. When you up more people, you will sell more cars. Conversely, when you don't create enough leads and up enough customers, you will not sell enough cars. Check out this edition of Make Money Mondays now and enjoy the automotive tips!

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