Discussing "Pay Plans", Commissions, Bonuses (And WHY) Inside an Automotive Internet Sales 20 Group - Sean V. Bradley
Discussing "Pay Plans", Commissions, Bonuses (And WHY) Inside an Automotive Internet Sales 20 Group - Sean V. Bradley
Many of you already have websites which are (hopefully) integrated with your offline advertising channels (radio, tv, billboard, newspaper, magazines, direct mail), and you probably generate a substantial part of your traffic and leads through this channel.
What if I were to tell you that Google has made a game changing, strategic move that could reduce your online leads, traffic and profits considerably within the next 2 – 5 years if you do NOT pay attention to the implications of that move?
Google spent $12.5Billion last year to acquire Motorola Mobility, and this acquisition was so strategically important that Google spent more than 41% of it’s free cash for the deal. Now, why would Google bet almost half its cash reserves to make this deal? Is this acquisition telling you something about the future of the internet that WILL have a profound impact on your business if you ignore it? Note that, Google almost OWNS the internet today, but was willing to bet nearly half of its cash reserves to get into the mobile app design solutions playing field!
To understand why, consider these facts:
The Whole World Is Going MOBILE!
Bottom Line: Mobile apps are now replacing web sites. And if you are not thinking about or taking steps TODAY to integrate your existing websites with mobile, you will slowly find yourself out of business!
So What Do You Do?
Fortunately for the small to medium sized business person, there is still time to act, even though the window is closing fast! There are a few, affordable, scalable and functionally powerful ; cross platform mobile app solutions on the market for you.
What Features MUST You Look For In Your Mobile App Design Solution?
o And by the way, the open rate on push notifications is 97% within 5 minutes, vs. only 4% for emails and even lower for newsletters!
Finally, WHY Should You Consider Getting A Mobile APP?
Your current and/or future customers comprise the majority of the ‘untethered” consumer. Whoever is in their pockets (via smart phone app), will COMMAND their attention, loyalty and $$$ dollars!
Click here for more information about how you can take advantage of this mobile app design solution
Michael Ofori is President of MVO & Associates, LLC, a multi-media advertising agency and can be reached at:
978-631-0363 or email
Just Google "How To Buy a Car" or YouTube "How To Buy a Car" and what you see on the FIRST page is THIS video (The Original One). This video is from 2007, its HORRIBLE, ITS Filled with lies and misconceptions. The speaker is obviously NOT an Automotive Sales Expert...
What seriously disturbs me is that NO ONE is doing anything about this... NO ONE? No OEMs, No Dealer Groups, No Dealerships, No Automotive Managers, No Automotive Sales Consultants... No one.
There is this stupid propaganda video LOCKED online and it just sits there without challenge? I am not sure about you but this video offends me, it has always offended me. Because it is so one sided and so filled with mistruths and straight out lies...
What is sad is that the PUBLIC sees this as REAL, as the TRUTH. Why...? Because it is on the FIRST page of Google and the First Page of YouTube!!! Most people are NOT subject matter experts. They are going online for some information, some direction and then they stumble into this type of trash... What is SAD is that they actually believe it. And why shouldn't they...? Its not like there are other, more compelling videos that tell the REAL story.
So, if you are watching this video or reading this post with distain... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Here are a bunch of ideas of articles, blog posts or VIDEOS you could write, record and POST all over the internet:
* How To Buy a Car?
* How to Buy a New Car
* How to Buy a Used Car
* What to expect from Car Dealership
* What makes a GREAT Car Dealership
* How Do you Choose a specific Car Dealerships
These are just some basic ideas. The point is CREATE CONTENT, INFORMATION to the PUBLIC. Stop just thinking the internet is a "Point of Sale" resource... You need to capture people at "Point of Interest" and CULTIVATE the opportunity.
If you are as pissed as I am when watching this video... Let me know your thoughts-
**ORIGINAL Video is titled "4.1.5 Rob Gruhl - How to Buy a New Car - Ignite Seattle 2007.mp4"
And this COMPLETE Idiot! "Automotive Executive Breaks Code of Silence" (Way Too Many Mafia Movies Dork)
Tired of watching your boss’s eyes glaze over every time you mention a “20% increase in likes?”
Depressed from hearing your colleagues report on revenue growth while you report on retweets?
Sick of people asking you what it’s like having “the fun job?”
This article is for you.
The truth is; most social media programs today are still lacking a true sales strategy at the core. We do have a social media strategy, you may say. On Mondays, we post a funny tweet, on Tuesday we post a car picture, and on Wednesday, we post statistics.
To this, I say, an editorial calendar is not a strategy. It’s a schedule. To take your social media to the next level, you need to start correlating it to true sales metrics. The good news? You totally can.
Here’s how to do it:
Step 1: Create a spring campaign for a free car wash for new Twitter followers (use a service like TwitHawk to geo-target.)
Step 2: When your followers come in for their free car wash, make sure they feel welcome. Have your staff go through shaking hands, handing out lemonade and cookies, and bringing around an iPad asking people if they’d like to sign up for your social channels for more great offers and information.
Step 3: From there, nurture them with content marketing that balances car shopping best practices (How To Speed Through the Car-Buying Process) with marketing about your dealership (Why Lola’s Car Dealership is the Best).
Step 4: Once you’ve nurtured the relationship with about 3-5 pieces of strong content, it’s time to reel them in with some urgency. Send them a deal they can’t refuse: either a service coupon that’s only good for the next three days, or an LTO hefty discount on a car that only lasts for the next two hours. Take a cue from Groupon; the shorter the window, the more people are inclined to act, so don’t be afraid to add an element of adventure and excitement with a super-tight time frame.
This is just one example of a content marketing funnel, and there are many variations you could try.
My overall point is that it’s now fully possible to tie social media to the ROI metrics your Dealer Principal or COE actually cares about: leads and sales. You now have the means to up your game from marginalized maven to basking in the glow of revenue generation with all your digital marketing colleagues. Won’t that feel great?
What have you done at your dealership to help create a Social Funnel? Sound off in the comments!
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We know the fun part. When you first get your hands on one. They are new to you. All coddling is out the window and it is time for action. These first intimate interactions are exciting. It is that magical time when you first get together…
I am speaking of the moment the lead arrives.
Imagine a lead, as it grows, becomes an infant. It enters your dealerships CRM world brand-spanking new. It is helpless. It needs your immediate attention and devotion. Like a baby, it needs your warmth and your motherly/fatherly care. This is a beautiful time. You get to read the information the customer submitted on the lead, read into the customer with a little lead deconstruction and smile at their peccadillos. You get to garner pricing for it, check the inventory, and coddle the lead with a detailed, personalized first manual email response and phone call. The world is new and you love that lead. It represents hope…the future… a sale.
While a good motherly/fatherly Internet Sales Manager is still caring for that newborn lead at three months with the same utter devotion they did at one day old, other ISMs do not. Unfortunately, for some, that new baby smell wears off. They don’t feed the lead daily. They don’t call out to it. They don’t keep a watchful eye and make sure it isn’t in need of help. And this is the problem with lead management at car dealerships.
I’ve devoted my life to only a few things.
At DealerKnows, from our in-store consulting to our Virtual Dealer Training…from the watchful eye we are in a dealer’s CRM and website to the honest and progressive brand that DK has become, our love of improving dealers’ phone, email, chat, text and video practices make us incredibly proud. We witness the growth and transformation of their Internet profitability the same way a good parent cherishes watching their children grow and learn. Now why can’t more Internet Sales Managers feel the same way about their very own leads?
Today’s ISMs must take ownership of their leads and be proud of the care they give them. They must recognize that managing a lead isn’t just a Day 1 wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am task, but a consistent, long-term daily regimen with each and every lead they parent.
Regardless of the statistics showing that Internet sales are being closed sooner and sooner to their arrival in the CRM, we believe that a lead has value (and the ability to sell) at any point in its lifetime. And this is where Internet teams fail. They give up. They skirt their responsibilities of being the lead’s guardian all the way through from conception to conversion. They like the lead when it is new to them, but don’t want to participate in the diaper-duty associated with long-term lead management.
What are you doing to ensure all tasks are completed in the CRM?
How often are you looking to guarantee leads aren’t being flipped to lost or bad far too early in the cycle?
You need to check regularly. We find this to be one of the most common process breaks and profit leaks in every dealership. As we at DealerKnows monitor the daily goings-on inside our clients’ CRMs, we see when they are ignoring the babies. They don’t try to raise them or educate them. They simply tend to them in the first few days and then pay them no mind after a few days. It is neglectful. And we can assure you it is happening at your store too if you’re not training them to be better parents.
Reinforce the need to follow-up with all leads until their adulthood, or at least until they buy. If you are a dealership operator, you need to be the social services of your store. Make sure your people are caring for the store’s leads consistently and don’t just focus on those first few response-time metrics. If you are the Internet Sales Manager, don’t think your job is over after your first interaction with the lead. Take care of it. Love it. Care for it until it matures. Don’t abandon your leads too early in the process.
You can’t just make the baby… you have to raise the baby.
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I had a fantastic email today from some one I have come to respect , not judgemental but constructive ( If more people where like her, this business would be a better place aka Team Work). I was asked about my photo, my spelling a nut shell who Iam. ( she knows who she is lol!)
Obviously if I was writing a article for a magazine, spell check would be my best friend, but when my mind starts flying around and I get so excited my hands can not keep up with my thought process. I am not shy to say that my spelling isnt the best..but my thoughts are, my message, my proven systems, my customized programs that guarantee results. I've always said if you judged a book by its cover, you might miss what could change your life and business forever.
Who is Richard A. Browne...well this page could not hold that much text. What Iam is a teacher and someone who breathes,sweats and envisions where our business should be and has to go. I hope I have painted a picture or atleast a thought of who and what I am.
Credentials: Ford/Mercedes Benz/Infiniti/Nissan/Porsche/General Motors/Audi After Sales Certified
PCA Club Member
6 Time Presidents Award Winner With Ford Motor Company
Developed over 45 locations on Operations/Parts/Service Profitability
Former President of the GM Fixed Operations Counsel
Subject Matter Expert for the likes of Mercedes Benz and Ford Motor Company
Voted #1 By a Leading Automotive Tool Organization in regards to Operations Development in Greater NY.
25+yrs in the field from Technician - Executive
Thank You!
Richard A. Browne
Schedule your priorities, Not prioritize your schedule
“Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Have you ever looked at the clock and seen it was the end of your shift and you thought to yourself, “Wow — where did the day go?” Or worse, “Uh oh, I got absolutely nothing done today.” Well, you are not alone; most people in our industry feel the exact same way. Automotive professionals sometimes describe working at a dealership as “chaotic,” “a constant fire drill,” “not organized,” “overwhelming,” “stressful,” etc.
A lot of dealerships feel like they are grinding to sell cars, but wonder why they constantly fail to hit their objectives. They are confused why they are not selling as many units as they need to, even though they have their team working bell-to-bell most of the month. There is a logical reason of course: They have no understanding or training when it comes to proper time management. Remember, there are only 86,400 seconds in a day. When they are gone, they are gone. For the most part, most dealerships just “react” versus being “proactive.”
You can get up and have a positive attitude and want to work really hard, but if you have no plan, you can’t expect to be tremendously successful. Don’t get me wrong — I am sure you can have some success. It will only be short lived, however, or not at the full magnitude that you are capable.
Here is an example: If I said to everyone reading this AutoSuccess article that I am giving away $1,000,000 to anyone who can drive from Houston, Texas to Philadelphia, would you be in? Of course you would be. But here is the catch: You can only use this map that I give you. Are you still in? Of course you are. But there is more to the catch. The map is of the city of San Francisco. Uh, oh. That changes everything, because the rules of the $1,000,000 giveaway is that you have to use this map and only this map.
So how in the world are you going to get this easy million dollars? Oh, I know: You can have a great attitude. You can think positively, and you can be happy about the opportunity. Is that going to help you accomplish that goal? No. A positive attitude is great, but it is not enough in this example, and it is not enough in the real world at your dealerships.
OK, how about working hard? If you work really hard at looking at this map of San Francisco, maybe you can unlock some secret rout to Philadelphia from Houston? No, you can’t. So, working hard is important, but it is not the sole answer. You need to have a map; you need an internal global positioning system (GPS). You need to begin with the end in mind. Car dealerships are awesome, but they are hectic; there is a lot going on. Plus, it is a month-to-month business. I get it. You need, though, to take control of what you have control of — yourself.
We all have multiple roles in our life. We are not just automotive professionals. Some additional roles that you might fall into include:
• Parent • Son/daughter • Brother/sister • Manager
• Leader • Owner • Trainer • Motivator
• Analyst • Friend • Volunteer • Veteran
• Paramedic • Athlete • Pet owner • Community activist
• Baby Sitter (which can have multiple meanings…)
So, now take into account how busy your day is, how hectic a dealership is, how intense our industry is and now add all of the roles you play in life. How are you juggling everything? Are you even trying to juggle or are you neglecting important things?
There is a better way.
Internationally respected leadership authority Dr. Stephen Covey says that the most effective planning is weekly planning — not monthly or daily. It is truly best to pick a time once a week (my wife and I prefer Friday, after work) and map out the following week. The key is not to overload or “pack” as much as possible into a short amount of time. Rather, you want to identify your priorities — a.k.a. “must do’s” — and schedule them first. This should include your different roles. You want to make sure that you put first things first. Here are some examples:
• Showroom appointments
• Training sessions (can be from the dealership or on your own)
• Phone call and follow-up time
• Breaks, lunch, etc. (it is important to refresh yourself and “sharpen the saw”)
• Any days off
• Clients anniversaries, birthdays or other important dates
• Personal friends’/relatives’ anniversaries, birthdays or other important dates
• Special time with family (and or friends)
• Health appointments (doctors etc…)
• Relaxation time
If you have any questions about this article or would like some advice on how to create a powerful weekly planning road map, please feel free to call me or e-mail me.
Sean V. Bradley is the founder and CEO of Dealer Synergy, a nationally recognized training and consulting company in the automotive industry. He can be contacted at 267-319-6776, or by e-mail at ;
One of my Dealers just forwarded me this official email from Vehix sent him yesterday...
Dear Vehix Dealer,
As you may know, Comcast Spotlight has owned Vehix since 2008. As part of an ongoing evaluation of Comcast Spotlight’s business strategy and focus, it was determined that the Vehix business does not currently align with the company’s strategic direction. As a result, Vehix operations will be winding down by June 30. This business decision does not change Comcast Spotlight’s commitment to the automotive segment. In fact, we are continuing to devote significant resources to ensuring Comcast Spotlight remains the advertising services provider of choice for the automotive community.
Q: What does this mean for your business?
A: Vehix leads and dealer advertisements will be delivered through June 30, 2012.
Q: What does this change mean for dealer support?
A: The Vehix dealer team will provide regular support through this process. This support includes questions about inventory feeds/photos, lead disputes and credits. To ensure your invoice is accurate, please review and submit all lead disputes and credits by July 10, 2012. Your prompt payment on all invoices is appreciated.
Q: Who do I contact with questions about the transition?
A: Please call a Vehix dealer specialist at 801-401-6060.
As Vehix leaves the highway, I want to sincerely thank you for your support. has long been a valuable place to promote your vehicles and reach buyers as they search for a new or used car. It’s easy to look back and say with pride that it has been a great ride.
Best regards,
Derek Mattson
Vehix CEO
Inquiries from members of the press/media should be directed to Chris Ellis of Comcast Spotlight (,215-286-7771).
*** I couldn't help it, but this song popped into my head immediately. What are your thoughts about Vehix being phased out? Do you care? Does it even matter?
Its the start to a new month and everyone is blaming everything from the economy to the famous saying everyone is slow right now. Are you as General managers and Dealer Principles giving your fixed operations all the tools to survive, do you have the right people in that position. If so do they know how to use them. Just spending money is the easy part, anyone can write a check. Installing the systems is the hard part. I have always said you can buy a Ferrari but it doesnt make you a race car driver.
When was the last time you set a goal for a employee and held them accountable for that goal that day, not 1 week not 1 month but a daily goal. When was the last time you stood on your service drive and introduced yourself to customers as not only as friendly face but a person of authority aka manager. When was the last time you sat in the waiting room and shared in conversation...hmmm perfect opportunity to get alot of feed back, along with solving issues before they become one. The answer is simple, you are SCARED. You fear that the customer will complain or in your words just bitch about there vehicle or why isnt this covered by warranty. Your SCARED you won't have the answer. You probally won't as if you are 1 of the tens of thousands of Mangers in the automotive vertical, you are afraid to admit you probally shouldnt be in that position of power, the business has passed you buy. You chose not to continue to educate yourself, or you didnt know where or how to get the knowledge to take your business to the next level. I am giving you the opportunity to be better, I am going to do a free s.w.o.t analysis of you numbers,traffic,text and phone prerecorded messaging aka one command set up that works and most importantly Iam going to show you how to be succesful through believing in yourself. Iam not a gimick, infomercial or fly by night 3 day trainer. Iam a Automotive Fixed Operations Professional and I believe!!!
Can you say that you gross 48% on parts?
Can you say that you average 3+hrs per R.O?
Can you say that you have a ELR of $85 or better on a door rate of $110-$115?
Can you say that you retain over 65% of all your first time customers?
Can you say that you know the problem, but no one will listen to you?
Can you say that your service consultants are trained to maximize every opportunity and then follow up within 24hrs to recapture what they might have missed? and do you know what they missed that day?
MOST Importantly are you the manager you thought you where, as I will tell you if you are not close to whats above and you do no have processes in place to reach those goals...Then lets start with you. There is no such thing as a bad employee , its bad management. Some people are just doer's . It is not your fault. I can help you reach that plateu of being a leader by example vs just a doer.
Take your first step! Acknowledge you have issue
Step 2: Get Help!!
Step 3: Remember , friends are fantastic but not one of them will pay your bills
Step 4: Take advantage of this opportunity to have a true profesional in the field of Parts and Service give you their opinion as a outsider. Iam a true Robin Hood! and yes I am still in the field as I currently run a multi store operations. Unlike others that claim to have stood on 500 service drives, Ive worked them and StiII DO!!! I love the business so much I went back to the war zone...what better way to promote greatness than to lead by example. Can other trainers out there say the same!!!! I know they can't!!
I look forward to your questions and giving you solutions.
Best Regards
Richard A. Browne
Operations Guru/Subject Matter Expert!
First and foremost KUDO's to the best trainer IN THE WORLD!!!! After spending a few days, a total of about 14 hrs with Sean my whole attitude towards my job did a turn around for the better. I have been in the business for about 3 years total and unfortunately have only trained myself by watching others. (And to think I considered myself a beast before meeting Sean). He brought up so many different tactics, different ways to engage with customers and different ways to make the customers feel like they are in a good place before even stepping foot into the dealership. I will now and FOREVER stand by, if you get them to like you, trust you, and believe you, they will come. My day after training I came back with a new attitude. I set goals for myself and by far exceeded them. I came back wanting to set 10 apts in a day. Instead I set 15, had 6 people in and sold 3 cars all in my first day back at work, with only a handful of leads to work with. GO ME!!! Since I have been setting goals for myself daily, I have been engaging more positively with my customers, always keeping a good attitude and a smile on my face even behind the phone. Because I have learned that IT MATTERS!!! As Sean said we should have a mirror on our desks and pretend our customers can see us when we are talking to them. Sean, your training has absolutely changed perspective and outlook on my job as a whole and there is no way no how I can express my appreciation for all I have learned. The knowledge I have obtained is becoming etched in my head like a concrete stone! I will carry it with me everywhere I go climbing the totem pole of this business. “Hope is for the homeless and I have faith that your teachings will take me bigger and better places” and for that I thank you !!!! I am officially a phone ninja. Theres NOTHING and NO ONE that can stand in the way of my success!! Thanks for all your help. I will continue to use everything you have taught me daily. Your the best!!!
Dealer Synergy LIVE Onsite Training -Very Unimpressed with Mystery (Phone) Shopping Car Dealerships in Chicago... WOW
I was onsite at a progressive Chevy Dealership in Chicago and we Mystery Shopped about 5 dealerships... They were all shocked by how bad the phone calls went. EVEN the "Big" dealerships totally blew it on the calls.
It is a fact that the Phones are the MOST underutilized tools at a dealership.
*** I am editing the actual videos of the Mystery Shops... CRAZY!
Automotive Internet Sales / Phone Sales "What to Do if There is NO Phone Number or a Bogus Number"
The hardest part of Automotive Internet Sales or Business Development is simply getting the prospect on the phone and that in part is because you might not have ANY phone number to contact them or its a wrong / bogus phone number... OR you might have a number, it could be there home or office and you can't seem to connect with them. So, what do you do? I see way too many people in our industry accepting defeat without ever trying to do something proactively to try to create a connection with a prospect.
What can you do...?
First and foremost is NOT to accept that if there is no phone number listed or if there is a wrong phone number that "That is it". You MUST seek out an alternative... Here is a GREAT website you can go to:
or my personal favorite is to call "411" and ASK for a "Reverse Look Up".
If you can not find the prospect's phone number trying those resources then maybe you should take their email address (from their internet purchase request) and drop it into:
The bottom line is TAKE A SHOT... try to find a person's contact information, or better contact information. REACH OUT TO THEM. Be "Proactive".
And remember, "You can not lose something, that you never have had before".
If you have any questions about this post or would like some free help... call me or email me-
With all of the rumble and tumble this week surrounding the disaster that is the Facebook IPO, I'm sure this news might have never got across your radar. But, alas, it is big news for those of us in social media: Facebook Finally Lets Page Admins Schedule Posts.
With the implementation of this rollout, Facebook Page admins will be able to schedule posts straight from Facebook, instead of using a third party application (ex. Hootsuite). While it's a bit surprising it took Facebook this long to roll out this feature, it brings up a very important question: What will come of the social media management apps?
Will you abandon sites like Hootsuite now? Or, do you like to manage all of your social media sites all at once?
Ultimately, only time will tell if Facebook's latest "Share" feature will hurt other third party apps. In the meantime, sound off below in the comments and let us know what you think. Are you a fan of scheduling posts? Will this change your day-to-day social media operations?
Automotive Internet Sales - Example of How to Handle "Bought Elsewhere" / Dead Deals - Don't WASTE Opportunities!
Everyone knows that the hardest part of Automotive Internet Sales is getting someone on the phone... I get it. As a matter of fact on average you will only connect with approximately 11- 14 percent on the phone. Meaning that if you make 120 Out bound phone calls, you will connect with 14-17 people on the phone (Not a very good ROI on your efforts). But, it is what it is...
Now it gets EVEN more frustrating when you FINALLY get someone on the phone after following up with them for days or sometimes even weeks / months and hearing "Sorry, I bought elsewhere". You have to FIGHT the urge of getting mad, or even being rude. Or worse, being indifferent and just letting it slip into the "Dead Deal" folder on your CRM.
Even though you lost the opportunity to sell a vehicle, you can turn that prospect into a service opportunity. Why would you care...? Because a service customer is 7 times more likely to purchase a vehicle from where their service their vehicle from. AND... your dealership might have lost the "sales" revenue, but THEY might be able to secure "service" revenue.
Furthermore, It is a well know statistic that a prospect that buys a vehicle, someone else in THEIR HOUSEHOLD will buy another vehicle within 90 days! That means, even though you lost that initial sale you can possibly secure a strong referral for a future opportunity if you handle the situation the right way.
If you would like me to elaborate on this post or if you have any questions what so ever, please feel free to email or call me.
Here's a little poem to keep everyone motivated. This poem has helped me since I was 11 years old, I use it as a motivational tool whenever I feel like I want to give up or get frustrated. Don't give in to excuses, figure out a new way to get something done, and never be afraid to ask for help! :)
Excuses Excuses Excuses
By: Anonymous
Excuses are tools of incompetence
that build monuments to nothing.
And those that usually specialize in them
are seldom good in anything else.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
Last night several new rollouts were seen in Google+ Local, seeming to merge Google Places accounts into the newest social search display of your Google+ dashboard. Here's what we've seen in our research about the new way search and reviews are changing for Car Dealers for automotive internet marketing on Google.
As of this article's publishing, no. However, we're sure its only a matter of time before the Google+ Local becomes integrated into your standard search engine results page from Google. Where can you find the new Google+ Local Search? Log into your Google+ account. You'll find the new Local button on the left dash.
From there, the Search boxes at the top are broken down into two uses: What you're looking for | Where.
In the following example, we went looking for "jeep dealers" in "Philadelphia, PA". Just like in Google search, the auto complete starts as you begin to type, and its obvious some of the "Categories" from Google Places have made it over to Google+ Local.
From the looks of the new search results, Google has been busy! Immediately we're presented with a new layout of information. You've got your standard Company Name, Address in a lighter color text, then your overall review score, At a Glance terms, and a quote from your most recent review. Photos are a bigger deal taking up a larger portion of the listing.
Even more shocking, where did your star ratings go? Some car dealerships will notice that reviews have been dropped in the transition, something we hope Google notices and fixes in the future. (Read more about reviews below)
While Google has dedicated more room to the first photo of your account, and the new reviews rating system, it has left a lot of the "Where did that come from" information on the listing, namely the "At a glance" terms.
I was fortunate enough to have spoken with some of the Google Places team at a conference earlier this year and I asked them where the "known-for" or At a Glance terms came from. Their response: "even we don't know", its another part of a Google formula most of the Google Places team is not familiar with, or was unable to comment on. My speculation, its from an old patent Google applied for several years ago surrounding actionable or descriptive wording. Type "great customer service" in a review, Google might be grabbing those descripters after positive or negative indicators.
The map display with pins is nothing new along the right side of search results and the "Key To Ratings" helps describe how the review values have changed.
There have been many changes in the way review information is handled in Google+ Local. First point of business, they've moved away from the STAR value reviews. Its now apparent Google's acquisition of Zagat several months ago was only the beginning, as they've rolled out No Stars, but a point scale ranging from Zero to 30. This also brings up the question, will Google move away from displaying Star values in standard SERPs from other sources like Yelp & DealerRater, only time will tell.
Past reviews are there, some have been dropped, but most have made it over. The new 0 to 3 values are a departure from 1 to 5 stars. Perhaps this is an answer to the requests from review writers to be able to give a Zero star rating in the past, so Dealers be warned, no longer can you score a 1, you can be a zero. The overall formula is pretty simple to grasp. Previous reviews are still rated in a conversion of 5 stars now equals 3, averages are made, and then multiplied by 10, rounded and there's your 30 points.
When writing new reviews on Google+ Local, you're prompted for 3 different ratings. As seen in the screen shot above, Google is asking for your feedback based on different "Labels" or areas of review. By default, the systems asks you for a 0 to 3 rating on Quality, Appeal & Service. It appears right now that there are no specific review types for "Car Dealer", so hopefully this will be a change in the future. Even when testing and writing for this article, we found different variations for the "Labels" that were available, first only 5 selections, then by mid-day 7.
Its easy to see that once enough of these new reviews have been created, Google will roll out the individual Label ratings like they do for restaurants; the threshold at which point that will turn on was not apparent in our testing like it is for Places (the star rating turned on when you hit 5 reviews).
The company name is still front and center, but if its more than 33 characters its currently being cut off after character 32 with an ellipsis (...). For some reason, the address is in the listing info twice, once under the company name, and again under About. Fancy new icons represent different parts of the data. Phone number and Toll-Free numbers are displayed but not labeled, and the website URL seems to stand out less. Categories carried over from Google Places, along with the Hours of Business. We'll be watching the "actions" in the Google Places metrics to see how this new layout changes the way customers use the listing.
If you're wondering where all the time you spent picking those 5 key categories went, and now you're only seeing 2 or 3, click on the new Categories terms, and you'll see a list of hidden items, who really knows why they didn't display all by default, there's certainly enough room.
Your standard Description from the old Places listing has been brought over and is now called "From the owner:". The once large, bright red "Write a Review" button has changed to a more soothing white text on light blue. Another more transparent black on white Review button has also been added at the bottom of the page.
Abilities to Google +1, Share (only on Google+ of course) and upload a picture have all been added or moved around, but are in a logical flow as buttons under the Map on the right side of the listing.
Hopefully, the amount of personal data that is now displayed via the Google+ profile when you leave a review will discourage those hit and run negative reviewers.
Not much has changed when it comes to claiming your listing, even Google admits this process is the same as it has been.
You're still presented with the old Google Places claim interface asking for verification.
However, from the outside trying to update an unclaimed or claimed listing that is not yours, the editing screen is significantly different, as seen in this screen shot.
You can now select which part of data is incorrect and how it should be corrected. While the old radio buttons are still available a level or two down into the editing screen, there's more specificity to your edit suggestion.
Go with the flow. Google is just asking you to do what it feels is best business practices. Claim your account, add a description, photos of the staff & showroom, pick the right default categories, fix your marker, ask for reviews in the service lane and at sales.
Start to focus on social indicators like Google and Bing are now doing. They want a personalized feeling for your customers, and increased engagement with social factors like +1, Shares, Tweets, Links and Likes.
Expect that the next change is just around the corner, and when Google flips the switch you'll need to be on the cutting edge to keep up with automotive internet marketing.
UPDATE! As of May 30th @ 5pm Eastern:
There seems to have been an update to Google Maps searches, but not to Google SERPs for straight search. What we're seeing now is if you do a search in "Maps", it now displays the new Google+ Local review ratings and upon clicking "XX reviews" are brought to the new G+ L listing page. Interesting, we'll see if tomorrow brings us the actual Google Search change.