Massachusetts State Automobile Dealers Association (MSADA) Partners With The Internet Sales 20 Group For #IS20G 6 In Boston
September 22nd, 23rd & 24th in Boston
Massachusetts State Automobile Dealers Association (MSADA) Partners With The Internet Sales 20 Group For #IS20G 6 In Boston
September 22nd, 23rd & 24th in Boston
Welcome to Women’s Wednesday!
Dealers who “get it” know that the key distinction in optimizing sales to women is having exceptional sales advisors who offer exceptional service. But what does that really look like?
Women tell us directly through our car dealer review platform what works for them when interacting with a sales agent. Below are their top 5 reasons for buying a car from them:
These percentages add up to more than 100% because reviewers can submit multiple answers.
NOTE: Coming in at 34% was the ‘price of the vehicle’. It is important, but ranks 6th overall. Clearly, connection and relationship are pivotal, outranking price.
Want more information on this all important topic, Click here to read.
Want to Sell More Cars and Distinguish your Dealership to Women? Click here to learn more.
Did you receive a Free copy of the 2014 Women’s Car Buying Report? Click here to download
Do you have multiple streams of income? On this week's Think Tank Tuesday: learn how to uncover revenue opportunities you already have, build a long term strategy that is sustainable and create financial peace for your family.
I haven't always been a positive person, but I have learned that a positive mental attitude is the single most important tool I can bring with me to work in the morning. Selling cars requires an exceptional amount of positivity. How do we cultivate positivity in a world that is desperate to depress us and keep us down, and why is it that positive people attract positive outcomes in their business and personal life? I want to share a few tactics you can use to get positive and stay that way, as well as explain to you why being positive is so important.
If you've been selling cars for a while you've probably noticed that when you are on a roll you tend to stay that way. Selling cars is easy when you're selling cars. It's sounds ridiculous but it's true. Why is that though? Is it because we are working any harder or better than when we are in a slump, or is it something else?
People are attracted to happy, positive people. We have a deep rooted urge to get happy and stay that way. It's why we buy cars and houses, it's why we get married, have kids, go on vacation and buy new clothes. We like to have fun and enjoy life, it's practically genetic!
By capitalizing on this urge a sales person can make a lot of money in a short amount of time. With practice, dedication and hard work they can make a career out of making and keeping their clients happy. But before you can make someone happy, you have to be happy!
Here are some things I picked up in the course of my life that I want to share with you. I hope they help you and that you can one day share them with someone else.
1.) Find Faith/Get Spiritual: It can be tiring grinding it out sometimes and it is good to see past the material things in the world and seek out a Faith or a spiritual Belief that helps you rationalize and accept the inevitable negative things that will happen to you over the course of your life. Going to Church, Temple or hanging out with like minded people is a great way to revitalize yourself and get in touch with your spiritual side. It's also a great way to meet future clients!
2.) Get a good nights sleep/ Eat right/ Work out: I put these things together because they all go hand in hand. Your brain produces endorphins which make you feel good. It's the same chemical the brain produces when a person uses drugs or alcohol, but it's healthy, relatively cheap and definitely legal! Plus when you look good you feel good and a lot of clients judge you by your physical appearance so looking good in that suit or dress is only going to help you sell and enjoy a long stress free career.
3.) Listen to music while you work: If you can, listen to music while you get ready for work. The right playlist in the morning can get you pumped up and feeling great. Currently I am listening to Tupac, the ballad of a dead soldier, Aloe Blacc, I'm the man, and some techno music. It doesn't matter what you listen to, what matters is that you like the music, it gets you motivated and get's you going.
4.) Surround yourself with positive people: This is easy. Find the happiest guy/girl in the office every day and strike up a conversation with them. Happiness is contagious!
5.) Call a sold client that rally loves there car and likes you too! Whenever you have a bad experience with a prospect and they put you in a bad mood, call up the first guy you ever sold a car to and tell him/her that you were thinking about them. They will be happy you called and will talk your ear off for 5 minutes telling you all about how great the car is and how awesome you are as a salesperson. I do this all the time, I call my sold clients once a day and chat them up. It's awesome!
6.) Finally, pick the thing you love most about your job and do it right now! For me it's a particular car on the lot, whenever I feel down I jump into the most macked-out car on the lot and drive it around with the music cranked and pretend I own it. Then I park it where I can see ups hitting the lot while I make phone calls to prospects. Just don't forget to turn down the radio and change the music to something the owner would like, just in case the dealer principal has the same idea later on in the day!
Being positive is easy once you make it a habit, it will take work sometimes just like anything else worth doing will from time to time. But if you follow these steps and have some fun with it, you will notice that clients will loosen up and start having fun with you. Once you get a client laughing in your office and having fun with the sale you have a client for life, and that's what gets you paid time and time again.
Feel free to add to this list and use it in your day to day. Another great day is just around the corner for you!
Eduardo Aragon
Vehicle Sales Consultant 856-546-2440
Make Money Mondays with Sean V. Bradley - Special Edition - Anthony Alagona - "Accountability" Best Selling Author, Hall Of Fame Speaker, Radio Show Host Dr. Willie Jolley Trailer
Using a third-party provider for leads sounds like a great idea in theory. However you need to make sure that these leads you are getting are worth the money you are spending. Learn how to make the most out of using these other providers to ensure you are maximizing your possible leads.
Get the Hard Facts from Samantha Cunningham at POTRATZ, and learn how to provide more opportunities to convert on your website. - 856-546-2440
A good social media advertising campaign (or any marketing campaign at all, for that matter) should be guided by science. Testing, monitoring, adjusting, and testing again are the cornerstones of a good marketing strategy.
Much of what we do in the car business comes with assumptions. We do things that we have known from past experience to be successful. Sometimes, we have to take those assumptions and adjust them to modern sentiment, trends, and technologies. Other times we have to take those assumptions and throw them out the window.
Below are 6 images. These images were built to plug into a single Facebook advertising campaign designed to drive traffic to the website. The wording of the ad was the same across the board. The budget was a strong one and the activity was left in the hands of the Facebook algorithm to serve the ads based upon activity and popularity.
Look at the images and come to a conclusion in your mind which one yielded the most clicks to the website. The orange section represents where the logo is. Keep in mind that the wording of the ad was generally geared towards Chevrolet - no model indicators were used in the ad other than the image. Given this limited amount of information, which do you think performed the best and yielded the most clicks to the inventory for the dealership?
Think you have the right answer? I'll tell you up front - it wasn't even close. The ad that performed the best had more than double the click-thru rate in the first few hours. After it started going, it ended up with more than 3 times the clicks of all of the other images combined.
If you have an answer, like this post and comment with which one you think performed the best in the ads. One name will be drawn from the correct answers before the end of the month. If you're a dealer, you'll get a cool prize in the form of some sort of service from Dealer Authority. If you're a vendor, we'll reward you with a contextual followed link to your website from a PageRank 5 site (great for SEO, and if a dealer wins and would prefer that, they can take it instead).
Who's up for the challenge?
When a shopper visits your website, are they greeted at the door or left waiting like an unwanted visitor? There is one major feature you can add to your website that could mean the difference between a conversion and a bounce.
Get the Hard Facts from Samantha Cunningham at POTRATZ, and learn how to provide more opportunities to convert on your website.
Are you looking for a high converting website? Click here to find out how POTRATZ can help you today.
Welcome to Women Wednesdays!
Have you ever walked into a store or visited their website and seen an award that says “Voted #1 in 2010”?
Doesn’t that beg the question and make you wonder what happened since then; who has won it this year?
This situation can be likened to when car dealers have a lapse in (getting) consumers reviews on dealer review sites
– like Google, Yelp, Dealer Rater, etc. On our site, we have some dealers with great overall scores, but they haven’t had a single review in months. That sends mixed signals and red flags to customers.
Think about it...having an exceptional score has a lot less credibility to your prospects if there is a huge gap in time with the reviews last posted. It certainly is an indicator that something has changed and could even be detrimental to your business!
Did You Know?
67% of women say they are less likely to purchase a product they were considering after reading negative online reviews – and old reviews can have the same effect.
Here are 15 Best Practices to put in place with Women and Your Reputation, Click here to read.
Want to Sell More Cars and Distinguish your Dealership to Women? Click here to learn more.
Did you receive a Free copy of the 2014 Women’s Car Buying Report? Click here to download.
Good selling!
AutoSuccess Publisher, Susan Givens & Dealer Synergy CEO, Sean v. Bradley Will Be Interviewed LIVE on Auto Dealer Live April 3rd At 3:30 Eastern
You can't have a successful business unless everyone is on board with the process. Learn how to spot the gaps in your company's strategy on this week's Think Tank Tuesday. 856-546-2440
Make Money Mondays with Sean V. Bradley - "Motivating Your Department" - Automotive Sales
Are your emails mobile friendly? The way you structure the layout of your emails and the length of your subject lines are extremely important in determining how well they will perform. Ensure that you are optimizing your email for the maximum click through from mobile users.
Get the Hard Facts from Samantha Cunningham at POTRATZ, and learn how to leverage social media for your dealership. 267-319-6776
Automotive Internet Sales Interviews Best Selling Author & Syndicated Radio Show Host, Dr. Willey Jolley